All enquires about St Finbar’s School are most welcome. The choice of school for your child’s education is of great importance. The Parent Prospectus, should give you a clear ‘picture’ of the values and goals we strive for, as well as the programs and curriculum we present.
Enrolment Form and Agreement
Enquires about St Finbar’s School community are most welcome. The choice of school for your child’s education is of great importance. It is our intention that we give you a clear ‘picture’ of the values and goals we strive for, so that you can decide if St Finbar’s is the school for your child and your family.
St Finbar’s is a Parish Primary School committed to the teachings of the Catholic faith and to the provisions of quality programs, which foster the full and balanced development of each child. At St Finbar’s we view education as a partnership – a joint responsibility between the school and home, bound by common beliefs and values, in a spirit of mutual support and encouragement.
Here at St Finbar’s, our focus on community, our Catholic heritage and tradition, pastoral care and quality education makes us who we are. The energies of the school community - children, parents, staff and priest are integrated into the understanding of what it means to be a human person created in God’s image, aware of the interconnectedness of all life.
This occurs best when the family and school work together in partnership. If you choose to have your child / children attend St Finbar’s, you can be assured that we will work with you to enable your child to reach their potential.
Parents must complete an Enrolment Application form online.
First preference is given to siblings of current students already enrolled at St Finbar's Primary and then to children within our Zone that are baptised Catholic.
If numbers permit, we would then be able to enrol, in order of priority, the following:
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