Vision and Mission

Vision Statement 

St Finbar's is a Catholic Primary School Community which aims to provide a safe, supportive and dynamic learning environment in which each member is respected and nurtured. 


Mission Statement 

St. Finbar's is a school where: 

  • all members are nurtured to grow in their Catholic Faith and Spirituality with a focus on our Catholic Social Teachings and Social Justice. 
  • students are encouraged and supported to participate fully in an ever changing global community, supported by a curriculum which meets their individual learning needs. 
  • we value each member as an individual whilst nurturing their social and emotional wellbeing. 
  • structures and practices are put in place to ensure that all members of the community have the opportunity to grow. 
  • positive partnerships between school, home and parish are fostered to strengthen our relationships and promote active community involvement. 


The school enacts its philosophy in its deeds and actions and through the curriculum.


Our 9 School Values - Derived from Values for Australian Schooling 

1. Everyone deserves a fair go at our school. 

2. We work hard and try to achieve our best. 

3. We greet each other in a friendly way. 

4. We care for our school and the environment. 

5. We value honesty. 

6. We all have the right to feel safe and happy at school. 

7. We care for our friends by including others. 

8. We try to understand how others feel. 

9. We celebrate difference. 


Reviewed by the School Advisory Board - February 2021. 

Reviewed by St. Finbar's School Staff - February 2021. 


© Copyright St Finbar's Primary School